Education Should be For Everyone!

We Can't Ignore It

Maine West
  1. We need to be willing to teach our students.

  2. We have to have be able to give knowledge to the students and have them expand from just that.

  3. We need to make sure they are educated and have the qualifications to make it through life and be

    able to do great things like the people who gave them this knowledge.

We need to get many educated students for the future because

without all these students in the future what are we gonna do

when all of the other scientist die or the teachers. We wouldn't

be able to do much without giving everyone education.


Think About It

We have all wondered one day probably about how good we have it with education compared to other races or nations.

We the people as an established society have been given everything and we can work with that and learn from it by using education.

Others though are stripped away of this right. People think of education as something that is given to you if you deserve it or if you

look a certain way or act or talk a different way. People judge people they think lower of based off of these things.

Education has been made so we can learn from our past so we could improve on those mistakes/inventions.

But we should not be revoked of this because Education is not something we earn or are given to but education is a human right.

You Can Help

Anyone can help these people whether you are a teacher or if you're a student yourself. All you really need to do

is contribute to your community. You can also help teach them by volunteering in certain charities to help with the

payments of the supplies and items these students would need.Or you could also help these other students just by giving

them a chance to learn the same things we learn and more.